Learning Center

Navvia product training and best practices - all in one place!

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Recorded Product Training  | FAQ


Navvia Design Tool

 Navvia Design
Module Training

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The Design tool training course provides a walkthrough of the Design module of Navvia. It covers the mechanics around using the tool’s features and functions to design and document processes.

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Administration Module

Navvia Administration
Module Tool Training

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Create and manage Navvia user IDs and grant access to Design Workspaces, Survey Projects and Verify Governance Instances. Administer Navvia Essentials portal.

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Survey Module

Navvia Survey Module
Tool Training

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This course provides a walkthrough of the Survey module of Navvia. It covers the mechanics around using the tool’s features and functions to create and manage assessment questionnaires or any type of information-gathering questionnaire.

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User Story Feature

Navvia User Story
Feature Training

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The User Story training course provides a walkthrough of the User Story feature. It covers the mechanics around using the tool’s features and functions to capture user stories.

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Verify Tool

Navvia Verify
Tool Training

The Verify tool training course provides a walkthrough of the Verify module of Navvia. It covers the mechanics around using the tool’s features and functions to manage governance of processes.

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Best Practice Training | FAQ


ITSM Awareness Class

Awareness Class

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IT Service Management (ITSM) Overview is intended to provide IT executives, managers and practitioners with an introduction into the practice of ITSM.  This session covers the Terminology and concepts of ITSM.



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Business Process Mapping Workshop

Business Process
Mapping Workshop:
Master the Art of Creating Clear and Well-designed Processes

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Inefficient business processes can lead to operational bottlenecks, information silos, and ultimately, decreased productivity and customer satisfaction. Our on-demand process mapping workshop can help you streamline your operations and achieve new levels of efficiency.

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Best Practices on Process Design and Documentation 2

Best Practices on Process Design and Documentation

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In this insightful webinar, we delved into the key strategies that can help you enhance your process design and documentation skills, leading to a significant boost in efficiency and cost savings

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User Story Mapping A Process Driven Approach 5

User Story Mapping:
A Process-Driven Approach


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This webinar will address the disconnect between business outcomes and technical implementations that often leads to high costs, rework, and poor customer satisfaction.

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Level Up Your ITSM Program with an ITSM Process Maturity Assessment-1

Level Up Your ITSM Program with an ITSM Process Maturity Assessment

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During this webinar, you'll gain valuable insights on how to identify any gaps in your current processes, create a roadmap for improvement, and optimize your IT services to better align with the needs of your business and its users.

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Virtual Live Training | FAQ


Navvia Design Tool Training 2

 Navvia Design
Tool Training

This live course provides a walkthrough of the Design module of Navvia. It covers the mechanics around using the tool’s features and functions to design and document processes. Document Profiles and Technical design document details are also reviewed.

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Navvia User Admin Training

Navvia User
Administration Training

This live course provides a walkthrough of the functions related to creating and managing Navvia permissions. Learn the different types of User IDs, ID capabilities, workspace management, and how to add new users and upload multiple users.

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Navvia Survey Module

Navvia Survey Module
Tool Training

This course provides a walkthrough of the Survey module of Navvia. It covers the mechanics around using the tool’s features and functions to create and manage assessment questionnaires or any type of information-gathering questionnaire.

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Effective Process Design

Effective Process
Design - 2 days

This live course is for those leading Process Design projects with the techniques required to optimize the success of their projects. Participants will learn the factors for success and acceptance of the process, and techniques for dealing with obstacles.

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How to conduct a Pocess Assessment

How to Conduct
a Process Assessment 

This live course is intended for those assessing one or more processes with the techniques required to conduct an ITSM survey using the Navvia methodology. Course covers preparatory work required to ensure that the stage is set correctly for success.

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(smo) Service Manafement Office Overview

(SMO) Service Management Office Overview

This live course provides Executives, Managers and ITSM Practitioners an overview of the concept of the SMO and the Roles and Responsibilities needed to staff a successful team. Session covers the concept of governing your implemented processes. 

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Ask An Expert

Ask an Expert

These 60-minute sessions will be available to answer your questions on the Navvia application.

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ITSM Awareness Class Live

ITSM Awareness Class

IT Service Management (ITSM) awareness is intended to provide IT executives, managers and practitioners with an introduction into the practice of ITSM.  This session covers the Terminology and concepts of ITSM.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I have registered. What happens next?

  • For Navvia Live courses you will receive an email that contains your unique course zoom connection from <no-reply@zoom.us>  to access the live course. Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive it.

What do I do if I need technical assistance?

  • For Navvia course-related questions contact Navvia Support via the Need Help button within the application or send an email to Support@Navvia.com.

Are there assessments or exams in the courses?

There are no assessments or exams for Navvia-provided courses.

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